Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Feedback from Linda

Linda contacted me, and she prefers the art page as it is with the mouse-overs, so I will be removing the page with the lightboxes and finishing up soon. Thanks for all of your help. For others working on her page, she asked for her name in lowercase letters and liked having the link to gallery on the page.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

New Option for Linda's art page

Hi all, Please check out Linda's page and look at the art substitute page. It is not complete. It is just up for Linda to see an option. I used lightboxes because of the cropping issue. I also redid the video. I will redo the header text, etc., soon. I need to get Linda's page done so that I can finish my paper. I am using my homepage and Linda's for the paper and my screen shots of Linda's page are no longer good.

Let me know what you think.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Interactive version of Linda's site

I finally have an interactive version of Linda's site. I put it up at, which is my husband's site. I will put his site back up later. It needs work anyway. I tried recoding it by naming the CSS with a different name and setting it up that way. It turns out that Rapid Weaver loses its mind if you change the name of the CSS file, so this is easier for me with my technical limitations.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A question for my classmates

How are you approaching the manual for the website design for the artist? Are you doing it from the perspective of the client working with the program that you used or from the client working in the code itself?

Weekly Blog Posting

Since we no longer have reading assignments and prompts, I have been wondering what to post for the weekly blog post, if anything. I suppose that project updates are appropriate. In the last week, I have not gotten much work done on the projects. I had food poisoning and that slowed me down a bit. I have done some more research for my paper, but I have not touched Linda's site since the last fiasco. I have also been trying to cook up ideas for a longer video for my podcast, but that is low on the priority list right now. I need to either figure out what happened with the CSS or find another hosting solution. My husband has some web space that he plans to build a webpage for a little business he wants to start. Right now he has up some wedding pictures and a blog about zombies. Maybe I will borrow that space.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I am suffering from frustration today. I am working on Linda's site. I was planning to upload it to the back of my happyhealthyjessica site, but the CSS for Linda's site overwrote the CSS for my site, so I took it back down. Now I am trying to start a TTU page for Linda's site for class. I am sure that I need to clean up my ftp site to make sure that there is no other weird code that will kill my personal page. I need to work on my paper as well, but I need to tackle on thing at a time. I have some ideas for Linda's site that I really want to get functional before our next class. I actually scheduled vacation time from work at the end of April to make sure that I have the time to apply finishing touches to everything.

I have a few more screen grabs for Linda's site to share. Hopefully, I will get it up somewhere soon.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Screen Grab of Client Site

This is a screen grab of Linda's site as it stands now. I'm not sure how to handle writing the manual for her. Should I write it as though she will be using a program to edit the page or as though she will be editing the HTML with a text editor?

I used part of one of her pictures for the bar at the top. I also incorporated the gray and orange that she mentioned.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Working on Projects

I feel like I am developing multiple personality disorder because I am working on chunks of several projects at once. I have plenty of ideas for extending the audio of my podcast, but with the number of pictures that I have in my possession, extending the video looks forced, and I hate it when things look forced, so I am stuck.

I created a slide of Linda's pictures to put on her main page. I am thinking about e-mailing her to ask her if she has a piece of music for which she or someone she knows who will give permission holds copyright to add to it. I now that she is not a musician, but she might know someone who would have something. What do you think?