Monday, November 14, 2011

English 5387: Publications Management - Progress Posting 9

Question: Where are you experiencing quality issues in your projects? Identify one or two specific examples. What are some strategies for addressing them?

My first quality issue is ensuring functional links. Since the document is fairly static, it is easy to overlook dead links. I will need to ensure that the links included in the original document are still accurate and functional. Dead links or inaccurate links are a large problem because they give an incorrect impression to the customer. They show a lack of consideration, care, and currency in a document. Part of the step of making sure the links work, pulls in a technical issue in the XML, the conversion of the links from the XML to the HTML in XSLT. I cannot allow the technical focus to distract me from the content of the links. I must be able to track down the source of any problems in the links to either a technical issue or a link content issue and resolve the issue appropriately. Then resolve the issue by either replacing the link or altering the poor code.
A second quality issue for my project revolves around the set text. With the vast majority of the text for this document being set by an outside source, I have little I can alter. However, this does not mean that I should entirely disregard the content, which may be a temptation, especially as I zero in on other more pressing problems in the schedule. Ideally, I should be able to flag content that is not clear and send it back to the original author for clarification. For this project, I may need to do that clarification myself since I do not have access to other team members, while noting that the vast majority of the text must remain as-is.


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