Monday, April 11, 2011

English 5390: Writing for Publication Weekly Blog Post - Submission checklist

Question: What are the major items that you would include on a punch list, or list of final tasks to complete before submitting work? Identify at least 7-10 and briefly explain your process or plan for completing these final tasks.

  1. Double-check the page numbers in all the quotes: There are quite a few quotes from the papers examined for this work. All of them need to have the page numbers double-checked.
  2. Confirm that the correct Leeds paper is cited in the correct place: There are two papers by Albert Leeds in the 1880s group, one from 1880 and one from 1883. I need to double-check that I attached the correct Leeds paper citation to the correct portion of the discussion.
  3. Judiciously cut the paper back: The paper is running too long and needs to be cut. This will require careful pruning in this last week.
  4. Re-edit the Introduction: Make sure nothing in the Introduction speaks to things that were cut from the paper. This is misleading and could cause issues in the long run.
  5. Re-edit the Abstract and Conclusion: Again, I need to double-check that nothing that was cut from the body of the paper remains in the Abstract or Conclusion
  6. Punch up the title: My title still stinks and I am seriously blocked on it. I need to devote time and energy to punching up the title
  7. Double-check the quotes from Prelli and Rolande: These need to be correct. Incorrect quotations are embarrassing
  8. Flesh out the discussion on the third-person usage in some of the papers: This is weak, but fleshing this out may require more cutting elsewhere.
  9. Double-check references to Tables: Make sure that Table 1 is cited in the correct place in the paper and that 2 is not cited where 3 should be, etc.
  10. Try not to panic: This is self-explanatory
The biggest part of these corrections are the judicious cutting and fleshing out of different areas of the paper. This is what will make this a good paper instead of an acceptable paper. This work is under progress, but is not likely to be finished until the last possible minute. The two Leeds papers can be confusing. In fact, I realized that I cited the wrong Leeds paper on my opening quotation in my Introduction already. This is going to require careful and watchful editing. The other steps are pretty average, but are also important, especially that last one. I am getting very nervous about this paper. It has become a different animal from its original form and I am not sure that I still like it. It may be the I have been looking at this too much hatred or just plain this is not where I wanted to be. We will see. Hopefully, things will look up soon.


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