New Class: English 5365 - Internet Writing
For summer 2010, I am taking English 5365 - Internet Writing. My interest in Internet Writing stems from my opinion that it will be the medium of the future. I can see our print publications dying; at each department meeting, it seems as though the print subscriptions become fewer and fewer. However, the articles written at my work are not yet written for the Internet. We are essentially preparing our Internet product in the same fashion as the print product, although we have changed the underlying structure to allow us to leverage the power of Internet Writing in the future.
It will be interesting to examine the differences in things written specifically for the Internet. I hope to see that grammar and well-phrased work will still be valued in an Internet-writing world.
Please note that the blog is wearing a new set of clothes. I have tested it in Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari, but not in Chrome. If you use Chrome and notice any issues, please let me know. I also need to make some additional changes to the CSS to fix some of the contrast issues.
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