English 5365 - Internet Writing: Mini Assignment. Pictures of my work space
I have 3 primary work spaces: my personal space, my workplace space, and my work at home space. My work at home space and personal space should be the same, but my work laptop doesn't fit well on the desk with everything else, so I invaded my husband's personal space.
Personal work space (this is where I sit in class)

Workplace space

Work at home space

Notice the cat and the pile of junk on the desk in the last one. The junk is the mail and misc pile. My personal work space desk from the first picture can be seen in this picture as well. I take over all spaces; my poor husband gets none. To be honest, he likes my computer better than his, so he hasn't turned his on in months.
Personal work space (this is where I sit in class)
Workplace space

Work at home space
Notice the cat and the pile of junk on the desk in the last one. The junk is the mail and misc pile. My personal work space desk from the first picture can be seen in this picture as well. I take over all spaces; my poor husband gets none. To be honest, he likes my computer better than his, so he hasn't turned his on in months.
The overhead lights in my office at work give me migraines, so I work only by desk lamp there. Horrible, horrible lights.
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