I was reviewing the podcasts from last year's contest, and I was surprised by the poor resolution of student podcasts on my screen; I have a really nice screen. My husband pointed out that the podcasts were designed for an ipod and perhaps the resolution is poor because of that. The faculty versions had better resolution of the main screen; perhaps they remembered that podcasts can be shown not only on the ipod screen but also on the computer screen. Did anyone look at them on ipods?
I didn't experience terrible resolution, but I use a laptop with a small screen. I did notice that the films were a little fuzzy but had not thought about the screen size being a factor.
Carie, I noticed the same thing. I didn't try it on my ipod, but I suspect it would have looked better.
Jessica, I picked up a book to help with the podcast assignment (Podcast Solutions by Geoghegan and Klass) and their take on the resolution issue is that nobody expects a podcast to have production values of mainstream movies - that content, instead, is key. But still the picture should be relatively sharp. But then they add the caveat to remember that your podcast had to compete with all the other podcast and video content out there, including tv and movies, and so production values should be considered. I'd say id the resolution is so poor that it distracts from the content, then you've got a problem.
I looked at them on a small window. It would have been able to blow them up to full screen, but the resolution wasn't there. I didn't see much that really wow'ed me.
I agree with Monica. Resolution is going to make it or break it. I'm sticking to audio myself. I have a great idea in mind and I have the technology.
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